Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Brief Statement of Purpose

I used to write much more than I do now.  Upon gleefully looking back at past writings, I realized there was so much more to say, but my inhibitions, lack of adequate vocabulary, immaturity, or simple ignorance often prevented me from doing so.  

Thus, I decided to engage in an new cathartic adventure.  This blog will probably contain a small bit of poetry interspersed with a wide variety of prose.  

In years past I've written about a plethora of subjects, usually whatever came to mind.  That will
likely continue.

Since I've recently been exposed to many theological issues within modern Christianity, the majority of posts to this site will probably concern Christian belief, history, and practice.  I don't claim to be a formally trained theologian or church historian, but rather someone who is passionate about the fundamental truths of Christianity and enjoys studying them.

My hope is that these writings bring enjoyment to whomever reads them, but more importantly that they lead others to ask important questions.  Answers cannot be sought until we ask critical questions, but I find few even reach this point anymore.

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